Bandera cubana/Cuban flag

Bandera cubana/Cuban flag

Monday, June 7, 2010


Now this is a quick no-brainer. In Cuba and most other Caribbean Island countries, baseball is the dominant sport. After school, I would sometimes play catch with my dad, or go play with some school friends either in Las Ochovias, or at the big park in front of the local Catholic church. The church was quite old, being built in the 1600s by the Spanish, and is probably one of the oldest buildings in Cuba. I would love the feel of playing, the sweat in my glove, and how the ball hit my palm as it entered the glove. It would feel so good when I would get somebody out right as they were about to hit home plate, it felt so good. It made me feel like I was important. I loved the feeling and the thrill of the sport. I guess you could say I was addicted.

Another sport we sometimes played was soccer(futbol). I had an old soccer ball we always used for playing, and we'd play maybe for two hours. It was nothing like baseball though, people barely cared about soccer. I find this quite sad, since now I am an avid soccer fan and player and wish Brazil, Spain, Mexico, and France good luck in the upcoming FIFA World Cup 2010 in South Africa.

Sport was also a way to get out of the life and normal problems in Cuba. I remember when sometimes I was frustrated from school, or just the house, and I would unleash my frustration in sports. It was a good getaway.

Another thing that is very popular is martial arts. Tae-Kwon-Do, Jiu Jitsu, Karate, and Judo are among the most favorite styles. I myself did karate for the last 2 days I was in Cuba, and I loved it, and wish I would have kept learning. I have always loved martial arts and watching kung fu movies, I love the moves and I like Eastern Philosophy.

Honestly, now as thirteen years old, baseball is boring to me. I don't like it. I like soccer much more, I love the thrill of scoring a goal for your team at the last minute and watch the crowd go up in roars. It's spectacular.

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